October 2, 2019

County helps Grassy Butte form quick response unit

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer

After a recent Killdeer board meeting was held on Sept. 16, the decision was made to allow the Grassy Butte Quick Response Unit to move out from under Dunn County, to work as its own entity as a branch under the McKenzie County Ambulance Service.
The reason for the change has much to do with the fact that it simply made sense.
“Ninety percent of our calls are in McKenzie County, not Dunn,” says Holly Boltz, Grassy Butte paramedic.
“We respond mostly with the McKenzie County Ambulance Service already,” says Boltz. “We felt that it would be best that we join forces with them.”
At the end of the day, the main objective for Boltz is the continuity of care.
“We’ll still be serving the same areas as we did when we were licensed under the ambulance,” says Boltz. “Which includes parts of McKenzie County, a small part of Dunn County, and a part of Billings County as well.”
The biggest obstacle for the Quick Response Crew at this time is waiting until their new license is cleared at the state level.

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