Well it is over. It is really over. The Super Bowl. I stayed up for the entire game! And for me, that is a real win. I’m glad I did. Oh, I’m not glad the Patriots won. I really didn’t care who won. I’m a lot like that. I just don’t care. It’s a game. But I did really want the score to be 7-7 at some interval in the game. You people that understand gambling addiction will understand why. And it never was.
I guess it is kind of like the celebration we have on Groundhog’s Day. Six more weeks of winter. Really? Like in North Dakota we don’t expect six more weeks of winter early in February? That would be a blessing. I’m feeding cows every day and counting the bales in my hay pile. I can survive six more weeks of winter. After that it gets a little dicey.
But watching a guy hold that groundhog is disgusting. It’s a rodent. A big rodent. It is not cute. It is not cuddly. It is a damn big rodent. And I don’t even think it is the same one they held up last year. I think they did a switch.
But Groundhog Day is one that is pretty easy to adapt to. You don’t have to buy anyone gifts. You don’t have to make a special dinner. You don’t have to put on a silly hat, unless of course you are the guy that holds up the groundhog. You don’t have to fly in airplanes or take long drives to get to gramma’s house. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. You just go to happy hour, toast the groundhog, and life goes on.
So the Super Bowl is over. Groundhog Day is over. Spring baseball will be starting up. Pitchers and catchers will be reporting for spring training. Basketball is in full swing. They play hockey until the ice melts. Golf never ends. But, we have a couple weeks until March madness starts taking over the discussions over coffee or a beer. And people start getting brackets filled out and making more illegal wagers.
And I suppose, if history is an indicator, that I will get on another illegal board, and cheer for a team that I’ve never heard of. I will pay attention to college basketball for two weeks and try to stay up late and watch the national champions be crowned.
But I don’t remember who won the title last year. Or the year before that. I don’t know who won the Super Bowl two years ago. Was it Terry Bradshaw and the Steelers? I’ve been out of touch a while.
I hope your team won and I hope you had good numbers in the family or office pool!
Play Ball!