I’m an optimist. I guess I always have been.
If it is dry, I think of what my Grandpa told me. “It always rains right after a dry spell.”
If it is wet, I am confident that it will dry out. If it is cold it is going to get warmer. If it is too hot, it will eventually cool off.
If cattle prices are too low, they will get higher. But they better hurry. I have a note due in a couple weeks. And it ain’t looking good.
What made me think about how an optimist thinks is a neighbor of ours. He recently was working with a team. Now, it’s not a ball team. Or a dance team. It is a team of horses. Work horses.
One of these draft horses kicked through a fence and skinned a hind leg up a bit. Not bad. He was a little tender, but no major damage. The horse thought it was a lot worse than I did.
Doctor Shirley gave the teamster some stuff we put on wounds. Shawn applied it and the next day Doc Shirley inquired how the horse was doing. She was informed that he was stepping on the leg, and more importantly “there were no flies and no sign of maggots on the wound!”
Now keep in mind this is February and even the fruit flies in our house have pretty much thrown in the towel.
This winter we were working cattle. It was below zero and a pretty brisk wind blowing. My son, Will, commented that the fly control stuff we had put on the cows in June had finally kicked in and there wasn’t a fly on the cows! That is long acting fly control!
I figure it will last another few months. Optimistic!
But I have to tell one quick Valentine’s Day story.
I’ve a couple cowboy friends that a few years ago were attending a winter rodeo.
They hadn’t had much luck at the rodeo and were discussing life over some adult beverages in a bar a few blocks from their hotel. It was the day before Valentine’s Day.
As they nursed their drinks, one of them mentioned that Valentine’s Day was tomorrow. And he hadn’t gotten anything for his wife.
Over in the corner was a beautiful plant. His wife likes plants. So, perhaps emboldened by their beverage, they decided that this bar owner wouldn’t miss this plant. So they swiped it! I know. I know. They shouldn’t have done it. But in defense. It was a pretty plant and it would make a great gift.
Well, this cowboy packed this big plant to the motel and snuck it in the room.
In the morning, his wife awoke to this huge plant in their motel room. She loved it! But asked why he had brought this thing into the room.
The cowboy explained that it was zero outside and he didn’t want this expensive plant to freeze.
The wife calmly replied, “You didn’t need to worry, it’s plastic.”