April 25, 2023


By Patrice Bumstead
General Manager of McKenzie County Media LLC
Farmer Editor

I’m always proud to tell people that I am from Watford City. No, I wasn’t born and raised here, but my husband and I have raised our children here. This is our home.
Over the weekend a small group of us hosted a benefit for our friend who tragically lost her life on March 23, after being shot. We have felt driven to help her family through this terrible loss.
So we did the stuff; you know, contacted as many people as we could, made the flyers and hung them up all over town, we spread the word on social media every single day for two weeks (maybe more), and we diligently worked together in order to produce a benefit that would be considered “a success” because that’s what Watford City does and I am proud to be a Watford Citian.
Let me just say on behalf of that small little group - THANK YOU! The amount of donations provided for the event, from food to auction items was nothing short of amazing. And to the attendees - THANK YOU! People from Watford City and the surrounding areas truly showed up for this family and it was indescribable! Again, I am proud to be a Watford Citian.
And, to the group of woman who worked tirelessly alongside me for the past month to transform a thought into a successful benefit - THANK YOU! Each and every one of you hold a special place in my heart, and again, I am proud to be a Watford Citian!
Even through some really dark times the people of Watford City find a way to come together and be a beacon of light, I really can’t imagine telling anyone that I am from anywhere else in the world.
Wisdom from “The Folder” - The four sweetest words in the English language are heaven, home, love and mother.