August 6, 2024


By Scott Hennen
Host of “What’s On Your Mind?” Radio Show
 heard on the Flag Family Network including KTGO 1090AM in Watford City, Williston and Tioga, North Dakota

Vice President Kamala Harris is enjoying a free pass from scrutiny in the early days of her campaign. I hear nervous supporters of President Trump watching the polls tightening and wonder if she will be held accountable for her radical record. I’m waiting for the Presidential campaign between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris to begin. The regime media is basically an arm of the Harris campaign.
This leftist regime completed the coup removing President Joe Biden and installing Harris as the prospective Democrat nominee and now they are busy expunging facts from her past. Not so fast. Now it’s up to us to have the tough conversations with anyone fed up with open borders, rampant crime, runaway inflation, high interest rates, her support for defunding the police and banning the terms “illegal immigrant” and “radical islamic terrorists.”
We can’t sit this one out and allow her and the regime media minions to whitewash her record. Here are the facts you need to know on a few of the lies Team Harris is peddling.

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