By Scott Hennen
Host of “What’s On Your Mind?” Radio Show heard on KTGO-1090AM and KFYR-550AM
Co-owner of Flag Family Media and the McKenzie County Farmer
I moved to North Dakota in 1984 at the age of 20. Minnesota is where I spent most of my time prior to then. When people would ask... “Where ya from?” Minnesota was always my answer. Eventually, my address was in North Dakota. It’s where I lived and made my living. But, Minnesota was my home state. There was always a fondness for remembering my younger days growing up in Minnesota. Who doesn’t remember with affection the place where they were born? Well, no more can I think of Minnesota in that manner.
I decided this week that I’m renouncing my connections to Minnesota. I’m done. The abhorrent abortion bill passed by the Democrat majority and the giddy Democrat Governor, the bumbling geography teacher Tim Walz, has caused me to cut the cord. It was with great glee that they supported legislation (the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act) that allows a baby to be aborted up to the moment of birth. That’s not an abortion bill, that is evil. This bill also strips parents of the right to be notified if a child wants an abortion. This bill makes me physically ill. Who could dream up something so sick? I’ll tell you who. Politicians who value a political victory above all else. “Last November, Minnesotans spoke loud and clear: They want their reproductive rights protected - not stripped away,” said Governor Walz. “Today, we are delivering on our promise to put up a firewall against efforts to reverse reproductive freedom.”
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