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After 33 years on the job, Police Chief Daryl Vance decided it was time to retire, giving the Watford City City Council the tough job of hiring a new Chief of Police.

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January 20, 2010

Strong economy boosts funds

Thanks to a great year for the Watford City city sales tax and lodging tax, the Watford City Roughrider Fund and the Watford City Lodging Tax Committee have had banner years.

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Watford City residents will see an increase in their water and sewer rates as a result of action by the Watford City City Council during its Jan. 11 meeting.

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January 20, 2010

Bracing for a long winter

The tricky thing about living in Watford City during this great time is finding a place to live. A dilemma that has forced many people to live in their campers during a North Dakota winter, something most North Dakotans would never imagine doing.

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McKenzie County’s taxable sales and purchases in the third quarter of 2009 continued to show slow and steady growth according to a recent report by North Dakota Tax Commissioner Cory Fong.

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or the Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce and the Watford City Economic Development Corporation, 2009 was a prosperous year with both groups’ new presidents looking forward to an even better year in 2010.

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After an interesting year in oil production, 2009 ended up being one for the record books with many people anticipating the same for 2010, but without so many ups and downs.

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A decision made last August by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) allowing pastors to engage in committed same-sex relationships has caused great unrest for some members of ELCA congregations.

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When it comes to economic development, most areas are working toward creating jobs and attracting people to their community, but for McKenzie County, the term economic development is centered on investing in the community so that people who want to work and move here can.

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If you were wishing for a white Christmas and you ended up stranded or shoveling, you may think twice before wishing for the same next year.

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December 23, 2009

Above and beyond the call

It’s not uncommon for people to give 100 percent to their job, but for some people, like Kerry Krikava, giving only 100 percent is something they would never dream of.

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A lot can happen in 33 years. There are changes, both good and bad, happy times and sad ones, and of course, many learning experiences and chances for teaching. As Watford City’s Police Chief Daryl Vance prepares for retirement, he reflects on some of the memorable moments of his 38 years in law enforcement.

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There is a lot more to Christmas than receiving gifts, and residents of McKenzie County have been generously showing that all month through their donations to the McKenzie County Social Services Giving Tree.

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December 16, 2009

Promoting leadership

School is a place for kids to learn, not only about reading and math, but also about life in general and what it takes to become an upstanding citizen, and that’s exactly what area students learned from a very influential visitor they had last week.

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Christmas is a time for giving, so why not give the gift of a lifetime, by becoming a mentor with the McKenzie County Mentoring Program.

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Christmas is meant to be a bright time of year. But for the less fortunate or those down on their luck financially, it can be a difficult time filled with stress and despair, especially if you have children.

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Christmas is a time of joy, filled with many fun festivities for all ages. But it’s no secret that Christmas really focuses around the kids, from holiday advertisements filled with toys to candy canes and Santa Claus.

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For many people, a vacation is a time of relaxation and pampering. But for six McKenzie County residents, relaxation and pampering were the last things on their agenda during a recent trip to Africa.

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When you live in a small town, your options for many things, like dining out can be rather limited. Fortunately, for the residents of Arnegard, John and Kalli Marin saw this limitation as an opportunity to provide what was missing.

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Changes to state laws regarding oil and gas production tax have the potential to do great things for McKenzie County. House Bill 1304 changed the tax distribution formula allowing more income for McKenzie County and adding a new Infrastructure Fund which will benefit townships and schools.

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Christmas is just around the corner and Watford City is gearing up for the holidays like never before with tons of family fun as Christmas is a Family Tradition!

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The past year has been a long and bumpy one for the oil industry in North Dakota with McKenzie County being no exception. However, looking at activity in recent months compared to one year ago, things appear to be heading in the right direction.

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Taking advantage of a new funding provision enacted by the last North Dakota Legislature, the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1, at its Nov. 9 meeting, decided to request a $75,000 grant from the McKenzie County Commissioners to help fund the purchase of a new school bus.

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When you’re a child, imagination is everything. But once you hit adulthood and the real world, your imagination tends to disappear, leaving life a bit duller than it was during childhood.

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An auction of state land mineral leases brought in a record $71.6 million with McKenzie County collecting more than $18 million, coming in second out of 12 counties.

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he Watford City City Council gave its stamp of approval to two Roughrider Fund grants totalling $12,500 to Watford City businesses during its regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 2.

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While the McKenzie County Healthcare Systems only turned a $31,485 operating profit in fiscal year 2009, for Dan Kelly, CEO of the healthcare system, turning a profit of any kind was good news in light of the financial troubles facing most North Dakota healthcare systems.

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One 40-pound box of food may not seem like a lot, but for people on a limited income and struggling families it is something worth waiting in line for.

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After being closed for remodeling, the Little Missouri Grille, formerly Ginny’s Family Restaurant, will have new owners, new menu items and a whole new look.

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