A girl’s act of kindness brightens another life

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
At a time when many area families are struggling economically because of lost jobs associated with COVID-19, as well as the decline of oil prices that is impacting many others, many McKenzie County residents are doing what they can to help those in need.
And for 11-year-old Harlee Olson of Watford City, her way of reaching out and helping someone else was to donate a high-end novelty stable stall set to another child in need last week.
“Harlee has a big heart. She worries about people and animals,” says Rita Olson, Harlee’s mother. “She never wants to see anyone sad.”
According to Olson, she was tidying up her home when she stumbled upon the stable set that her daughter had received several years prior for her birthday, but had rarely played with.
“I was cleaning up the house and said this has been sitting here for several years, what do you want to do with it,” says Olson. “And we just kind of talked about it. At first, Harlee wanted to sell it. But my thought was that people are kind of down right now and selling it wouldn’t be something to do at this time.”
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