A world of hearts aims to heal a world of heartache

By Cathleen Naeb
McKenzie County Farmer
Assistant Production Manager
Driving around Watford City these days, one might wonder if Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Everywhere you look, you see hearts.
It’s a worldwide effort to show the world is standing together in solidarity by hanging hearts in their windows.
#AWorldOfHearts is a Facebook group that launched the idea in North Dakota.
One of many area businesses participating in A World Of Hearts is Barrett Pharmacy & Variety.
“During this pandemic crisis,” says Josslyn Dodds, manager at Barrett’s, “it’s just a very heartwarming thing to see.”
Upon hearing the news that the Facebook group Dodds is participating in has reached worldwide, she was amazed. “I just got goosebumps,” she said.
Barrett’s is still open to the public, and Dodds says she has received many comments from people stating they should be doing curb-side pick-up only.
She says they are implementing the 6-foot rule, and washing hands, but says that there has to be a continuation of some normalcy.
“People need a constant. We are all in this together,” and the hearts in the window are one way of sending that message.
#AWorldOfHearts was created by Mandy Gill, of Bismarck, N.D., on Friday, March 20. It quickly garnered hundreds of thousands of members all across the United States and the world who are proudly sharing their murals of hearts in the windows of their homes, including many homes and businesses around Watford City.
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