November 28, 2018

Another great kickoff to the holiday season

Another great kickoff to the holiday season

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer

The Watford City Parade of Lights has done it again. Functioning as a holiday season opener every year, the Parade of Lights lets county residents know that it is time to start shopping (and cover their windows because the cold weather is coming).
This year did not disappoint. The day after Thanksgiving, a myriad of lights, activity and floats floated down Main Street to the cheers of many excited parade watchers. At the end of the night, Whiting Oil & Gas walked away with a first place win again, winning best theme, while E & M Services took home first place honors for best use of lights.
“I thought all of the floats were great,” said Mary Gumke of the Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce which organized the annual event. “We have some very creative companies and groups in Watford City.”

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