Beane has first court appearance for murder charge

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
On Thursday, Jan. 4, Scott Richard Beane made his first court appearance for the charge of Class AA Felony, Murder-intentional, knowing, or with extreme indifference - adult victim.The maximum sentence for this is life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.
Beane is accused of causing the death of Lois Beane who was found deceased and with extensive burns in the enclosed mudroom of the trailer he shared with both the victim and his father.
At the hearing, Beane appeared without counsel, and as he sat at the table to participate in his hearing, he could be seen swiveling in his chair, without making eye contact with the judge. Beane answered with single syllables through most of the hearing and indicated to Judge El-Dweek that he planned on representing himself.
“It is my understanding that you intended to apply for counsel and that did not happen. Do you think you want the counsel of a lawyer?” asked El-Dweek.
“No,” Beane replied with a prolonged sigh.
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