Bringing the past to life

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
The North Dakota Draft Horse Association Field Days are coming to McKenzie County. The event, which will be at Tobacco Gardens on June 8 - 10, will feature ranchers and farmers from around the state, farming the “old-fashioned way.”
Festivities will start on Friday with an 8-mile wagon ride starting at 9 a.m. A packed lunch will be provided and the ride will last into the early afternoon. Friday afternoon is the Kite Festival at Tobacco Gardens and the evening will end with music by Buckin’ Beat Entertainment. The Kite Festival will continue Saturday and Sunday and the music will return again on Saturday.
If you are only going to pick one day to attend the event, Saturday would be the day. 25 to 30 teams will gather and lead their draft horses as they plow and seed a neighboring field. You will see antique machinery and the people who still know how to get them to run.
Sunday, the last day of the North Dakota Draft Horse Association Field Days, is the day of competition. Anyone can enter to drive a team of horses through an obstacle course. There will be winners chosen from men, women and children under 15 years old.
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