Career academy may be in school’s future

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
Through its career and technical education programs, the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 has done a good job of providing high school students with an opportunity to gain experience in the work world. But, according to Steve Holen, district superintendent, there is much more that the district could be providing to students, as well as to the general public to help meet the workforce training needs in the region.
And high on Holen’s list of meeting that training need would be the creation of a career academy in Watford City.
“The jobs that are here are more technology driven,” stated Holen during a public meeting on Monday, Feb. 18. “We have the opportunity to make a significant step forward in what we can offer.”
According to Holen, with nearly two-thirds of the school district’s graduating seniors not attending a four-year college, there is definitely a need to provide additional training to prepare them for jobs in the workforce.
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