Celebrating dr. Seuss’ 116th birthday

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
While Dr. Seuss, the author of hundreds of children’s books, is no longer alive, that didn’t stop Watford City Elementary School (WCES) students from celebrating his 116th birthday and his creative influence.
“We look forward to it every year,” says Kerrie Stansfield, Watford City Elementary School principal. “It’s one of our most celebrated weeks because it’s reading month in March. So Dr. Seuss Week kicks it off.”
While Theodor Seuss Geisel is better known by his pen name, Dr. Seuss, he got his start as a political cartoonist in New York during the early 1940s. After accidentally landing a job with the local newspaper because of his artistic ability, Seuss’ love of words prompted his publisher to bet that he couldn’t produce a story under 50 words. As a result, Seuss created what would become one of the most iconic children’s books in history, Green Eggs and Ham.
And as a perfect way to pay tribute to Green Eggs and Ham, the Watford City students ate exactly that on their first day of celebrating Dr. Seuss Week.
“Every day they were provided a meal that represented Dr. Seuss,” Stansfield says.
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