October 11, 2016

City okays $61 million budget

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

After two years of major infrastructure growth that saw the city of Watford City build a $101 million event center, as well as spend nearly $30 million on new roads and waste water treatment facilities, the city’s budget is returning to more normal levels.
During its regular meeting on Monday, Oct. 3, the city council approved a budget of $61 million for 2017, a decrease from last year’s budget of $150 million.
According to Kelcee Wright, city finance director, the city anticipates receiving $46 million in revenues during the coming year, including $1.2 million in local property taxes. Last year, Watford City property owners contributed $890,000 to the city’s record budget.
While local property taxes will generate approximately $310,000 more than last year, Rita Olson, city tax assessor, states that the majority of Watford City residents will not see an increase in their city taxes from last year.

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