May 2, 2018

County burn ban goes into effect

By Kate Ruggles
Farmer Staff Writer

McKenzie County Emergency Manager Karolin Jappe says that a burn ban is in effect for all of McKenzie County starting April 17, 2018 and ending Oct. 31, 2018.
Burn bans are nothing new to McKenzie County residents, but last year’s dry conditions have definitely changed the way the Emergency Manager’s office handles them.
“We have typically had the same burn ban every year,” states Jappe.
That is until last year, when drought conditions caused a fire in Grassy Butte and fires in the areas surrounding McKenzie County for most of the summer.
This year’s burn ban will mirror last year’s burn ban in that on days when the North Dakota Rangeland Fire Index is in the High, Very High or Extreme category, and/or a Red Flag Warning has been issued for McKenzie County, a burn ban will be in effect and will include a ban on the ignition of fireworks, garbage burning, campfires, the burning of farm or crop land and unnecessary off-road motorized vehicle travel.
However, on days when the fire index is low or moderate, McKenzie County residents will be permitted to burn as long as they have secured a burn permit.

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