April 14, 2020

County commission race draws record number of candidates

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

It looks like it could be a very interesting campaign season in McKenzie County as 14 candidates met the April 6 filing deadline to have their names appear on the June 9 Primary Election ballot to fill three four-year term seats on the McKenzie County Board of County Commissioners,
Of the three seats that are up for election, only one incumbent, Tom McCabe, is seeking re-election, while Doug Nordby and Gene Veeder announced earlier that they would not be seeking another term as a county commissioner.
“To my knowledge, this is the most candidates we have ever had for a commission race,” states Erica Johnsrud, McKenzie County Auditor/Treasurer.
The 14 candidates for the three seats on the county commission are Joel Brown, Watford City; Nevin Dahl, Watford City; Lee Geiger, Grassy Butte; Craig Hystad, Arnegard; Joseph Kummer, Watford City; Thomas McCabe, Alexander; Shannon Maki, Watford City; Jeremy Olson, Arnegard; Wayne Olson, Watford City; Marco Pelton, Watford City; Paula Slow, Arnegard; Nathan Thibodeau, Watford City; Timothy Transtrom, Watford City; and Clint Wold, Arnegard.
According to Johnsrud, the top six vote getters in the June Primary will advance to the November General Election.

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