County takes big step to get new homes built

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
The McKenzie County commissioners are making $5 million available to the county Job Development Authority (JDA) in an attempt to jump start the construction of new single-family homes being built in Watford City, Arnegard and Alexander.
During their meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 4, the commission unanimously approved the funding with hopes of having between 90 and 110 affordable shovel-ready lots available for new home construction in 2020 through the JDA’s Shovel-Ready Lot Program.
According to Daniel Stenberg, McKenzie County JDA executive director, the concept of the shovel-ready project funds is to incentivize builders to come to the county and build homes in new or established residential areas. The $5 million will be used to pay for the cost of bringing water and sewer, along with storm sewer systems and road improvements to the lots, which in turn will lessen the cost of homes to buyers.
“The new Shovel-Ready Lot Program will provide up to $50,000 to the builder based on the size of the lot to cover the infrastructure costs,” states Stenberg.
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