Enrollment pushing schools to maximum capacity

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
As the enrollment at Watford City’s three schools has grown to over 1,800 students this school year, Val Kummer is concerned that the days of portable classrooms and overcrowded classes are coming back to McKenzie County Public School District No. 1.
“I had children in portable classrooms before the old elementary school was expanded,” states Kummer. “I didn’t like it. Portable classrooms just don’t provide the right educational setting for children. And I was always concerned with security issues. I don’t want to go back to that type of classroom.”
Kummer’s concerns about the lack of space in the district’s current buildings to meet the anticipated growth is one of the reasons that she and Shilo Chavez agreed to chair the “Vote Yes” Committee, which is urging school district voters to support two questions during a special school election set for Jan. 8.
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