Fentanyl found in possession of Watford City High School student

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
“On Thursday, January 18, 2024, a freshman student at Watford City High School was found to be in possession of pills that tested positive for fentanyl,” began a letter to parents from Watford City High School Principal, Jim Green.
This was the first time that fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has been found at a school in Watford City. Local law enforcement were involved and are handling the incident, but the presence of this drug in the school has many people worried.
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), “Fentanyl is a deadly synthetic opioid that is being pressed into fake pills or cut into heroin, cocaine, and other street drugs to drive addiction.”
The counterfeit pills are made to look like legitimate medication, however they are often laced with fentanyl and other substances that are not only highly addictive, but often lethal.
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