First Lutheran Church Choir to perform Easter Cantata
By Lauren Billing
Farmer Staff Writer
Easter is a time of rejoicing, and what better way to do that than through song? Some say singing is like praying twice, and in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the more praise the better!
The choir of First Lutheran Church is answering the call of celebration with their second annual Easter Cantata entitled, ‘Who do you say that I am?’
The piece, composed by Lloyd Larson, features a combination of songs and monologues aimed at bringing that question, ‘Who do you say that I am,’ to life for modern-day Christians.
Monologues feature prominent figures at the end of Jesus’ earthly life - disciples John and Peter, Pontius Pilate, Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, and Mary, the sister of Lazarus. They each present their connection to Jesus and how they answered the question, ‘Who do you say that I am?’
Peter talks about his trials in becoming the foundation of what would become God’s church on earth. He says, “Jesus called me Peter, the ‘rock.’ Hmmph. Some rock! I was like sand in the heat of life’s battles.”
Along with intimate looks at the friends and judge of Jesus, songs like “Man of Sorrows” and “He Is the King of Glory!” will take the audiences through the emotional roller coaster of the end of Jesus’ life on earth.
Singers include Ann Johnsrud, Tim Taylor, Teri Taylor, Lisa Shipman, Kris Pacheco, Cheryl Faulkner, Melanie Rangen, Cari Liebel, Holly Washburn, MeLinda Haugeberg, Hayley Moe, Anna Stepan, Ardyce Alveshere, Scott Swenson, Robin Schwartz, Milo Mel, Bob Wisness, Owen Hamre, Laurie Hamre, Don Stenberg, Ari Johnson, and Myron Hovet. They are accompanied by Jane Swenson.
The narrator is Dale Washburn and the cast includes Rob Favorite, Matthew Rolfson, Kim Rolfson, Nancy Rolfson, Cari Liebel, Duane Sanford, and Garrett Gudmunsen.
The Cantata, directed by Caroline Schwartz, will be presented at First Lutheran Church at 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 1. All are welcome.