January 24, 2017

Getting ready for flooding

Getting ready for flooding

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer

Efforts began last week to fill thousands of sandbags in preparation for potential spring flooding.
McKenzie County emergency manager Karolin Jappe helped to organize volunteers filling and tying sandbags at the sand piles east of Target Logistics off of McKenzie County Road 35. By Friday afternoon, Jan. 20, volunteers had filled roughly 3,600 sandbags since starting the morning of the day before.
Jappe added she would regroup Monday, Jan. 23, to plan ahead. Volunteers last week included Watford City residents, city employees and high school students.
Watford City High School junior Mikka Haugeberg and sophomore Abby Hepper were two of a dozen pupils with the student council who came Friday afternoon in the fourth group of students to help at the filling site.
“Hopefully it works so that nothing floods,” Hepper said.

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