Giving Trees brighten holiday for those in need

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
It’s well known that many come to Watford City for the better opportunities that are offered in the growing oil industry. But for some families, things don’t always unfold the way that they hoped.
This year, there’s one group of locals in particular that’s got their back. The Watford City Eagles Auxiliary is hosting the Giving Tree project for the 6th year in a row.
“You don’t see anything like this in other places,” says Russ Henry, Eagles member. “We once managed to gather and prepare 35 meals the night before for families in need.”
Christmas Trees for the project are filled with paper bulbs that list the age, general interests and wishes of each child. There’s also tags that feature other miscellaneous household items as well, that are needed.
Christmas Trees have been displayed at the locations of three local financial institutions - First International Bank & Trust, Cornerstone Bank and Dakota West Credit Union.
Although the tags are being collected as early as Monday, Dec. 11, it is still possible for people to make donations and contributions.
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