Good hare day for area children

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
In previous years, children of Watford City have enjoyed getting to visit with their furry white friend, known as the Easter Bunny, up close and personal as they visited and had their picture taken with him. Other times, children have enjoyed Easter Egg Hunts at places such as the Good Shepherd Home in Watford City. But due to restrictions stemming from efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) this year, organizers of local events had to do some improvising in order to respect social distancing.
And Outlaws’ Bar & Grill was a place children could count on this year as the business still found a way to make the Easter Bunny happen for children eager to see him during ‘Curbside with the Easter Bunny’ on Friday, April 10.
As curbside treats were handed out to cars with kids in the back parking lot of Outlaws’ Bar & Grill it gave children a chance to not only get their sugar fix but also see the Easter Bunny for a brief moment as candy was handed out. But it didn’t stop there as another happening would soon take place on the morning of Saturday, April 11.
The sound of sirens blaring wasn’t an alarming noise, but a joyous one, as the Easter Bunny gave its greetings to the community of Watford City while being escorted through the streets by the Watford City Fire Department and the Watford City Police Department for the Easter Bunny Drive By held on Saturday, April 11.
“We had to drive and drive and drive, and then, we found him. We found the Easter Bunny,” says 3-year-old Zariah Lisle.