It’s fair time

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
The McKenzie County Fair is July 6-8. As advertised by the steel McKenzie County Fair sign that faces 4th Ave. NE all year long, those dates are set in stone. For as long as anyone can remember, people from all over the county and beyond have the fair permanently on their calendars.
County fair go’ers have come to expect and love the annual events.
From Thursday afternoon until Saturday late hours, there will be nonstop action.
The fair kicks off on Thursday with a parade that starts at 4 p.m. The parade will head up Main Street and lead the way to the fairgrounds where it will end at a free beef barbecue, open to everyone. From there, expect food, fun, and games to last all weekend long.
“My favorite part of the fair every year is just seeing the kids running around the fairgrounds,” said Brenda Lautenschlager, McKenzie County resident of over 34 years. “It is such hard work for so many people. Sometimes we sigh with relief when it’s over but it is always so fun!”
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