January 3, 2017

Kettle Campaign raises over $9,500 during holidays

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer

As you shopped this holiday season, there is no doubt that you passed local volunteers ringing a bell, inviting you to drop your change into the red Salvation Army kettle. You probably recognized many of those volunteers as your neighbors and friends.
There is no national fundraising for Salvation Army units, so units raise all of their funds locally. Funds raised in each community are dedicated to best serve the people in that community. The McKenzie County unit of The Salvation Army raises all of its annual funds through the Kettle Campaign, from Black Friday to Christmas Eve.
For many years, Pastor Barb Becker coordinated the efforts of The Salvation Army in Watford City, connecting volunteers with the opportunity to ring The Salvation Army bell at Christmastime.

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