April 17, 2019

Market Day for entrepreneurs of the future

Market Day for entrepreneurs of the future

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer

After much learning and planning, Watford City High School (W.C.H.S.) students of Aaron Cumming’s Youth Entrepreneurs class were given the opportunity to launch their self-made products into action last week.
“I was so impressed with the students. They had their laptops and everything in front of them, they were so organized,” says Gretchen Stenehjem of First International Bank & Trust, which sponsored the program. “They knew where their money was going, they knew about the taxes. They weren’t lost out there and knew exactly what needed to be done.”
According to Cummings, the innovation process has given teens the chance to see what they are really made of.
“They’ve shown a lot of resiliency through all of this,” claims Cummings. “And a lot of willingness to persevere and try again.”
A trail of tables lined the walkway of W.C.H.S.’s featured students selling everything from cookies and bath bombs to beaded bracelets and custom ‘wolf’ theme hoodies.
“So I didn’t realize it, but bath sands are a thing,” Cummings said looking humorously perplexed. “I mean, they’re like, actually a thing!”
Cummings and Stenehjem both agree that last week’s Market Day was a great promoter for both the program and students.

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