July 2, 2024

McKenzie County backs Cerilon gas-to-liquid plant project

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer

Calgary-based Cerilon Inc. has recently received a conditional use permit (CUP) from Williams County for their new gas to liquid (GTL) plant that will be located near Trenton, N.D., between Cartwright and Williston.
“We’ve worked hard to meet the County’s high expectations for the project in its early phases of design and engineering,” said Ron Opperman, CEO of Cerilon GTL. “This approval is significant because it signals we have thoroughly demonstrated our plans to create substantial economic benefit while also carefully considering and mitigating the potential impacts of this project’s development.”
Cerilon has received a total of $50 million from the State of North Dakota consisting of a $7 million grant and a $40 million loan through Clean Sustainable Energy Authority, and a $3 million loan from the North Dakota Development Fund. In addition to that money, Williams county has given a loan totalling $16 million as of last year when this project was initially approved.

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