Meuchel’s celebrates 20 years of business

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Tami and Sam Meuchel started their business the first week of October 2003, and neither said it feels like 20 years since they opened their doors.
“I love it,” said Tami. “I still love what I do. I love the people, I love the community, I love the hustle. I love it!”
The Meuchels run a business on Main Street in Watford City that sells a variety of goods from office supplies to novelty gifts, and they offer a range of services.
“Believe it or not, we still have rentals, movie rentals and tanning and computer services of all kinds, computer repair and other services, monitoring services and e-mail faxing, all that kind of stuff,” said Tami Meuchel, who owns and operates the business with her husband Sam.
Sam, who does tech support for area businesses and individuals, took a break from setting up their annual Halloween decorations in the store to talk about their business.
“We started the computer business to help people and to get technology more integrated and help people out using it, because we knew it was coming,” said Sam. “I mean 20 years ago we were running a lot less stuff than we are now. Very few people had point of sale systems and very few people had working computers in their offices. So, yeah, it’s been quite a ride.”