Monsons honored with soil conservation award

The McKenzie County Soil Conservation District is honored to recognize the Jesse Monson Family of Alexander as its 2018 McKenzie County Achievement Award winner for their well - rounded conservation operation.
They have been minimum tilling for several years, using a diverse crop rotation with cover crops and hayland plantings. With this, Jesse has seen great improvements in the soil health on their cropland. Several tree plantings have been established to beautify the farmstead and enhance livestock protection. Tree blocks have been planted in cropland and pasture to protect cattle on the cropland in the winter and pasture in the spring. They have installed water pipelines, water tanks, and cross fences to improve grazing management with a 14-pasture summer grazing system, incorporating private and federal land, as well as water developments and seeding multi species cover crops to extend grazing into the fall and winter cropland. Jesse has attended several education workshops and is always willing to talk about conservation.
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