New 4-H member shares life-lessons

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Brindle Kubal competed in her first official year as a 4-H member and she told The Farmer that she has loved being an official member of 4-H.
“I really liked being a Cloverbud, but I was ready to be a member now. I learned a lot of life-skills as a Cloverbud, but I’m learning more now that I’m older,” the nine-year old said.
Brindle explained, “When you are in Cloverbud, you get to do the projects that members do, it’s just that the ribbons are all the same.”
Cloverbud is the 4-H program for kids in kindergarten through second grade. This is an opportunity for young children to participate in activities and to try things out before becoming an official 4-H member. As a Cloverbud, she entered many projects into the County Fair including, chocolate chip cookies, a 3-D wood dinosaur, and coloring projects.
Another thing that she did throughout her Cloverbud years is raise and show steers. She remembered her first year showing, saying, “In my Cloverbud years, the thing I’d always show was a steer. And my first steer got way bigger than I expected. He was bigger than all of them. He was supposed to be a calf, but instead he was a year old. I still showed him and mine was the biggest one in the class.”
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