New mckenzie county ag expo finds a home

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
After months of searching and conducting soil borings on four different potential sites, it looks like the McKenzie County Fair Board has finally found a site for the new McKenzie County Ag Expo facility. The new location would not only house the county fairgrounds, but would also serve a variety of community needs on a year-round basis.
And on Tuesday, March 18, the McKenzie County commissioners gave a tentative approval to purchase approximately 218 acres of land along U.S. Highway 85, 4.5 miles southwest of Watford City for $11,500 per acre.
Of the four sites that were considered, Heidi Brenna of the ICON architectural firm that has been assisting the fair board in its land search, told the commissioners that this was the preferred site as all the acres were buildable and that it had the best soils.
Brenna also noted that while the fair board was looking to purchase only 160 acres of land, they would purchase the entire parcel, which brought concerns from Commissioner Howdy Lawlar.
“My question is your target is 160 acres. What are you going to do with the other 50 acres?” asked Lawlar.
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