October 11, 2022

New pastor brings Spanish worship services to Watford City

New pastor brings Spanish worship services to Watford City

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer

It is no secret that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and one of those twists landed Nahum and his wife Raquel Acuna in Watford City as the newest pastors at the Watford City Assembly of God Church. Not only are these two wonderful people excited to be here, but they are even more excited to establish church services in Spanish for the people of the area.
It is clear that the Spanish speaking community of McKenzie County has grown tremendously. That has put strains on many areas as the needs of these families are recognized. One area that has consistently been left vacant is a place to worship in their native language.
“When people can worship in their native language, it brings a sense of security and community. It adds to the feeling of being home,” Raquel Arcuna said.

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