August 20, 2024

Oil production remains steady through June

M.K. French
Farmer Staff Writer

The North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources held its monthly Director’s Cut on Aug. 15, with Assistant Director of Mineral Resources, Mark Bohrer and Director of North Dakota Pipeline Authority, Justin Kringstad providing an update on the state’s oil and gas industry.
McKenzie County Statistics:
June 2024
According to the North Dakota State Industrial Commission’s June 2024 Oil and Gas Production Report, McKenzie County’s actively producing wells accounted for 29.7 percent of the state’s total. Additionally, McKenzie County’s oil production in June accounted for 32.4 percent of the state’s total, while county gas production accounted for 46.1 percent.
State Oil Production
Despite a slight dip in June, state oil production remains steady. Bohrer explained that a small (roughly two percent) decrease in barrels per day was due to fewer wells producing in June; although July numbers are expected to rebound. “July completions look like they’re gonna be up, so hopefully that’ll have a positive impact on our production numbers,” Bohrer stated.

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