Pelton receives Innovation in Education Award
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Watford City High School Junior, Aidan Pelton, received the student Innovation in Education award for student leadership during the 7th annual North Dakota Governor’s Summit on Innovative Education.
This award is given to a student each year who shows leadership skills, ingenuity, and innovation in their school, community, or other spheres of influence. Aidan received his recognition for work he did as a sophomore at Watford City High School last year.
Pat Bergatolli, Executive Director of Job Service North Dakota, nominated Aidan for the award. He said, “Aidan [was nominated] because of his leadership and overall commitment to his community and his peers, leading by example in all that he does. Aidan always takes a front seat to any leadership opportunity, knowing that these opportunities will help guide his career path and success in life.”