Red Barn Liquor opens on city’s east side

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
If 400 different varieties of liquor sounds like your type of a good time, then Red Barn Liquor, located on the eastern edge of Watford City, is just the place for you.
As Red Barn Liquor is the third liquor store to make its way to Watford City, it made perfect sense to Brad Sanford and Nick Polivka as they thought of a location that was too perfect to pass up.
“We were sitting around, having a few beers and thought it seemed like a good idea,” says Polivka, of coming up with the idea for the business with Sanford a couple of years ago.
The pair purchased the property prior to when COVID-19 hit and Sanford says it was a curve ball they weren’t expecting. But they decided to move forward with COVID-19 adding six extra weeks to the construction process.
“We purchased the land in October 2019, and we built it from the ground up,” says Sanford. “The location is definitely on the side of town where they have built a lot of residential properties. And the gas station built there is always full. So we thought the same for a liquor store.”
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