Students embrace saying no to drugs

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
In honor of Red Ribbon Week, students of Watford City Intermediate School and Watford City High School embraced what it means to live a drug-free life as they celebrated last week on Feb. 18-21.
“Typically, we do dress-up days and counselors usually go into the classrooms and do a lesson on alcohol, drugs, and tobacco,” says Jenna Bauer, Watford City Intermediate School counselor. “And we try to cover whatever the greatest need is at the time.”
And what seems to be on the rise these days isn’t cigarette or alcohol use, but something else.
“We’ve seen such a big increase in the vaping now because that’s become more easily accessible,” says Bauer. “There’s definitely an increase in that opposed to the typical tobacco use like chewing tobacco and cigarette use.”
The school’s primary focus is always more on knowing the facts so that students can make an educated decision for themselves in the future, Bauer says.
“We also focus on encouraging why not to do underage drinking and waiting until you have reached the legal age for all of those things,” Bauer says.
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