Students ready for mock trial competition

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
On Jan. 15, teachers and students of Watford City High School and Alexander Public School gathered together with local members of the legal system in a McKenzie County District Courtroom to begin a Mock Trial Clinic. Last week’s 1½ hour collaboration was just the beginning as they gear up for the state competition being held on March 28, in Bismarck.
“The purpose of the Mock Trial Clinic was for Northwest District Judge El-Dweek, McKenzie County State’s Attorney Ty Skarda and myself to give an introductory clinic on how trials work and how the different pieces of a trial go together and what order they happen,” says Ari Johnson of the Johnson & Sundeen Law Office. “It helps so that the students who are participating will have a basic understanding of the process.”
As part of their preparation, students will meet twice a week for the next two months as they sharpen their skills with the hopes of excelling at the state competition. The mock trial will involve 12 students with six students from both Watford City High School and Alexander Public School comprising teams.
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