March 9, 2021

UMDHU expands COVID-19 vaccinations

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

McKenzie County residents who are in priority groups 1B and 1C are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine according to Daphne Clark, Upper Missouri District Health Unit (UMDHU) public information officer.
The expanded priority group includes, but is not limited to, childcare and school workers, any individual with one or more high risk medical conditions and essential workers along with anyone in the previous priority groups.
According to the UMDHU, the Moderna vaccine is approved for use for those 18 years and older, while the Pfizer vaccine is for those 16 years old and older.
The UMDHU will be offering the vaccines at its clinics in Crosby, Stanley, Watford City and Williston.

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