October 10, 2023
Watford City approves Long X Liquor Store lease buyout
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Watford City officials unanimously approved the use of the Rough Rider Fund (RRF) to pay for their portion of the Long X Liquor Store lease buyout. The total buyout amount is $300,000, with $150,000 of that coming from McKenzie County and the remaining half from the Rough Rider Fund.
The Long X Liquor store has been in business for 74 years, and has been considered a Watford City institution for decades. It is owned and operated by the Watford City Community Benefits Association (WCCBA).
“The WCCBA was started in 1950 by my dad and what happened was he had worked real hard along with my grandfather, my uncle and my other grandfather,” explained Stephen Stenehjem, CEO of First International Bank and Trust.