Watford City to host Main Street Summit
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
For the first time, the North Dakota Main Street Summit is being held in Watford City. This is not only the first time the summit is being held in western North Dakota, but it is also the first time the summit is being held in a community of this size. In the past it has traditionally been held in Bismarck, though it was in West Fargo for one year.
“This is a great opportunity for our community to show off. It is a great chance for our area businesses to spruce up because the people who are coming are the people who really notice that sort of thing. Our community is really so great and this is a great chance for us to share that with people not only from around the state, but the region as well,” said Vawnita Best, who works in community and business development for Watford City.
Best explained that the summit originally came from part of Gov. Burgum’s initial running platform, the Main Street Initiative. This initiative had four pillars: smart, efficient infrastructure; vibrant communities; 21st century workforce; and diverse economies.