Watford gymnasts shine at nodak northern lights meet

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
Watford City gymnasts shined brightly during the second annual NoDak Northern Lights Invite, which was hosted by the Badlands Gymnastics Club at the Rough Rider Center on March 7 and 8.
According to Pat McWilliams, Badlands Gymnastics coach, the club’s Xcel Bronze team took first place, while the Level 3 team took ninth, the Level 4 took third, and the Level 6 team took fifth in the competition that brought more than 400 gymnasts from 18 teams from South Dakota, Montana and North Dakota to Watford City.
“We had 250 athletes compete last year,” stated McWilliams. “We saw that number increase dramatically this year as the word got out that we put on the best competition for miles and miles around.”
McWilliams says that the NoDak Northern Lights Invite Meet was designed as a tune-up competition for the state meet, which was to be to be held in Fargo on March 20-22.
“Unfortunately, it turned out to be our final competition of the year for North Dakota since USA Gymnastics closed off all competitions due to the Covid-19 virus the week following the NoDak,” stated McWilliams.
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