Jorgenson to compete in Junior High Finals Rodeo
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
Samantha Jorgenson, an eighth grader at Watford City High School, has earned a position on the North Dakota Wrangler Junior High rodeo team and will be traveling with fellow teammates to Gallup, N.M., from June 28 to July 4 to compete in the 5th annual Wrangler Junior High Finals Rodeo (WJHFR).
Jorgenson will be competing in breakaway, ribbon roping, team roping and barrel racing at this year’s competitions.
Jorgenson was named the girls All-Around Champion for 2009 by the North Dakota Junior High Rodeo Association at the conclusion of the state Junior High School Rodeo finals held recently in Hebron.
At the North Dakota Junior High Rodeo Finals, Jorgenson took first place in girls breakaway and ribbon roping and took second place in barrel racing and team roping.
For being named the All-Around Champion, Jorgenson was awarded numerous prizes as well as a new pair of Ariat boots, a new Resistol straw hat and a Tod Slone saddle.
Samantha is the daughter of Bill and Pam Jorgenson of rural Watford City.