Wolves boys suffer defeat in three non-conference games

Titus Stenberg
Farmer Sports Writer
Williston 69, Watford City 36
The Wolves wrapped up the 2023 portion of their schedule with a 69-36 loss to the Coyotes on Dec. 29.
Williston got off to an incendiary start thanks to their two leading scorers, Isiah St. Romain and Bridger Johnson. The Wolves played better over the final three quarters, but were never able to make a dent in Williston’s lead.
“Bridger Johnson and Isiah St. Romain shot the ball very well,” said Watford City Head Coach, David Gumke. “Bridger from the free throw line and Isiah from the field. They are both very smooth players and difficult to guard. They caused us problems every minute they were on the floor. If we do a better job defensively to start, it changes the look of this game. We definitely had a bad first quarter defensively to start this game. We helped them get going and shoot with extreme confidence. We need to improve our starts defensively, which will set the tone for the rest of the game.”
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