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The Watford City City Council reissued liquor licenses to five Watford City establishments during its regular meeting on Monday, June 8. But it did so with a stern warning that it expected the establishments to strictly follow city ordinances, especially those governing the sale of alcohol to minors.

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Summer is a great time for reunions, street dances and of course ,the county fair. In most areas, these events are spread throughout the summer, but in McKenzie County, they mark the beginning of a fun-filled summer.

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For most college students, college courses are a way of learning the things they need in order to get their dream job. But for some students like Alex Veeder, some courses offer a lot more. Veeder, a 2007 Watford City High School graduate heard about the God’s Child Project and the volunteer network at North Dakota State University during freshman orientation and right away, she knew it was something she wanted to get involved with.

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The Fraternal Order of the Masons is the oldest fraternal order of men in the world, and McKenzie County is privileged to have the Masons Grand Master of North Dakota from the Fort Union Lodge #128 in Watford City.

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Nobody wants to see cold weather in June, not even in North Dakota. But area farmers are thankful for the unseasonably cool temperatures we’ve seen so far this June. Until recently a lack of moisture had many farmers thinking they wouldn’t have much if anything to harvest.

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This spring the thought of rising water was not a good thing. But today many McKenzie County residents are thrilled to hear that Lake Sakakawea has risen considerably and is still on the rise.

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A cancer diagnosis is nothing to take lightly, but fortunately for McKenzie County Sheriff Ron Rankin, a recent diagnosis hasn’t slowed him down or interrupted his work.

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June 3, 2009

Giving kids a chance

If you have room in your heart and in your home, you may be ready to make a difference in the life of a child by becoming a foster parent.

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Summer is the time for traveling and road construction. Although no one likes having their travel plans delayed due to road construction, we all know that it’s something that needs to be done.

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Even though North Dakota has faired pretty well during this time of economic struggle, the state is still receiving some economic stimulus money that will have a big impact on McKenzie County .

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For most people cancer is never far from their minds, and even though there always seems to be somebody you know battling the disease, it still seems impossible to think that the next person you know with cancer could be you.

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A four-lane highway from Watford City to Belfield, wow – that would be great! Unfortunately, that’s something that just isn’t economically feasible, at least at this time. But supporters of the Theodore Roosevelt Expressway (TRE) hope to bring residents of McKenzie County the next best thing.

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McKenzie County residents are fortunate to live in an area where everybody looks out for each other and neighbors are there when you need them.

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The owners of a dog that was savagely mauled and critically injured by another dog over the Easter weekend in Watford City made an impassioned plea to the Watford City City Council during their meeting on Monday, May 4 for the city to enact stricter dog ordinances.

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Tobacco Gardens Resort has been a long standing part of McKenzie County, but for the past several years the cafe and concessions have been without an owner leaving patrons without any services.

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Living in a rural community has a lot of great advantages, but there are some things that most rural communities just can’t offer, like affordable and quality wellness opportunities.

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Oil production in North Dakota has dropped from a rig count high of 98 to a rig count of 38 as of Friday, May 1, 2009. The main cause for the drop in rigs is the drop in the price of oil.

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Things aren’t always what they seem, but in this day and age it seems that anything is possible. But could there really have been a pipe bomb in the Badlands? Yes, there could have, which is what brought the Minot Police Department Bomb Squad to Watford City on April 29, 2009.

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The shortage of new homes within the city limits of Watford City may be coming to an end if a Montana developer has his way.

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Timing, that’s what spring planting is all about.

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Earth Day was a great opportunity for area teachers to give their students a hands-on lesson in community service.

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After a year of learning, the City of Watford City is ready for this year’s mosquito season. In fact, the fight against mosquitoes is going into its third week in Watford City.

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Nobody can say Watford City is a boring town, especially when it comes to wildlife. It’s common to see deer, rabbits, pheasants and even the occasional turkey roaming around town, but seeing a moose on your way to school, now that is something different even for Watford City.

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The McKenzie County Community Coalition’s (MC3) 2nd Town Hall Meeting addressing underage drinking and substance abuse resulted in new action ideas despite a low turnout.

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nyone working in the oil field will tell you that with their work comes busy times and slow times. And right now, McKenzie County is experiencing one of those slow times. Spring is traditionally a slow time for oil field work because of road restrictions.

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Although it was a little late arriving, it seems that spring is finally here, and that means it’s time to get to work both in the field and in your yard.

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A drop in oil prices and change in legislation could mean less oil tax revenue for McKenzie County and the potential for higher property taxes.

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Underage drinking is a big problem in McKenzie County and the McKenzie County Community Coalition (MC3) wants your help in resolving this problem.

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The 2009 Dinner Theatre production of WipeOut was the last curtain call for Chuck Simpson and his dinner theatre dream team. Simpson began directing theatre productions including the Dinner Theatre in 1983 with his first Watford City High School Production, ‘Bye Bye Birdie.’

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