A cuddly distraction for area youngsters facing hard times

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
“Let it gooo, let it goooo,” sung Jennifer Winter, Family Crisis Shelter coordinator, from the musical movie theme for ‘Frozen’ as she held up a stuffed toy of the character Elsa.
Last week, a couple players from the Minotauros hockey team in Minot made a special drive just for those in need - young children who wind up in situations they couldn’t help or plan for.
“To give them something plush and soft and sweet, it sounds like a cure-all. It’s not a cure-all, but it is a distraction and a good comforting tool that we can offer,” says Winter.
Every year, around Christmas, the Minotauros have a teddy bear toss game. And this year, social service and law enforcement agencies in McKenzie County were first up to be on the receiving end of their list as a stuffed-animal recipient.
“Someone said, hey there’s this hockey team that gives out animals, do you want some? I said absolutely,” says Jill Carstens, Mountrail-McKenzie Human Service Zone parent aide.