Alexander students give tech presentations to lawmakers

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
For her very first overnight school trip, away from parents, Taylee Hunsaker, a fifth grader at Alexander Public School, and some of her fellow Tech Team members traveled to the North Dakota State Capitol to give a presentation on their projects to lawmakers.
The group of students from Alexander ranged in age from fifth grade to tenth grade, and sixth grader Liliana VanWhy gave a brief itinerary of their trip, “We went to the Capitol building and we were in Memorial Hall showing off our robotics stuff. We got a tour of the Capitol building and we got to go on the floor of the House of Representatives…we had a bunch of the legislators come through and look at our stuff, like we had our FLL (Future LEGO League) game field out and our robot for FTC (First Tech Challenge) was out, and also our Cyber Security Team was there.”