Hovet hits triple digits

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
While Olga Hovet of Watford City just turned 100 years old on Oct. 12, her memories are something of a spring chicken.
Growing up on a farmstead south of Watford City, Hovet spent her early years always on the go as she scurried to keep up with the swift pace of her older siblings. As Hovet and her siblings always found a way to get around outdoors, there was no territory that ever really went uncharted for the little wanderlusts.
When Hovet was just nine years old, she broke her leg while following behind a horse on a sleigh. Her lack of regard to the accident itself, but more so to the fun she had before breaking her leg injury sums up her adventurous nature as a child.
“I had to sit out for a while after that,” Hovet says. “We were on our way to a birthday and having so much fun.”
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