WCHS cheer team going to Texas

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
The Watford City High School Cheerleading Team has been busy preparing for their first national competition, the National Cheer Association High School Nationals. This year the competition is taking place in Texas, and it will showcase some of the best cheer teams in the nation.
“We have been working toward this goal since July; however, the planning began in April of 2023,” explained Head Coach, Chelsey Schatz. “[Right now], we are working on our stunts and tumbling skills so they can be performed safely.”
The team leaves for the competition on Jan. 18, and each member of the team had to raise their own funds for the trip.
“The boys and girls of the team had to each raise about $1,200 for this trip. Most of this was through fundraisers and working concessions. We appreciate everyone who has contributed in any way to help us with this opportunity,” added Schatz.
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