Connecting new residents to the community

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
An event known as the McKenzie County Community Connection is now being held every third Tuesday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Long X Visitor Center located on Main Street in Watford City. While the event is essentially intended for newcomers, it’s also a way for those who have been in community for a while to get further integrated.
“We have so many new people or people I feel want to get connected in this community,” says Calli Thorne, event organizer.
The first McKenzie County Community Connection kicked off on Feb. 18, and Thorne was surprised to find a good turnout of more than 40 people.
“People were from all over and wanted to connect,” Thorne says. Everything from learning about the clinics in town to organizations to businesses.”
Thorne strongly emphasizes that it’s not just for business oriented people, but everyone.
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